
Archive for the ‘Students’ Category

We Lost Him Today…A tribute to Steve Jobs(RIP)

October 6, 2011 1 comment

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After having a good 6 hours sleep, the first thing I was looking for on my bed was my cell phone as always, worrying about being late from Office, 7:00 am – Thanks God , so I did not miss alarm set at 7:30 am. Here I was having half hour, nothing to do but to press my clothes and getting ready for office. Thanks to cell phone’s SMS preview option, the Facebook status of a  friend caught my eye. it says “What!? Steve Jobs ?”. I felt good… felt like I am loaded with energies, It was as good as you see an emerging beam of light after decades of darkness….I mean it was so good to read the name…“Steve Jobs”.

Surrounded with the bright light, some random thoughts also stuck my head…

“Did Steve criticize the launch of IPhone 4S , in spite of IPhone 5?”


“ Has he taken back his resignation and is appointed as CEO Apple once again?” 

well whatever… I was happy to read his name and that’s it…

On the way to office, nothing else but “Steve Jobs” was on my mind…His Commencement address at Stanford University (2005) ,The Company he founded, was fired from and to whom he returned as CEO and turned it into world’s leading tech giant…

& His famous quote

“You know, I’ve got a plan that could rescue Apple. I can’t say any more than that it’s the perfect product and the perfect strategy for Apple. But nobody there will listen to me.”(1995)

& The words of John Sculley ( the guy who fired Steve from Apple)

“I haven’t spoken to Steve in 20-odd years, even though he still doesn’t speak to me, and I expect he never will, I have tremendous admiration for him.”

& his response when  fired from Apple:

“I didn’t see it then but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again,less sure about everything.It freed me to enter one of the most creative period of my life.”

Reached office, heard a sad Assalam o Allaikum (Hello) from colleague sitting next to my cabin, the Steve’s thought gone for a second and I was thinking about the Sad greeting that used to be a very warm one everyday...”Wa elekum Salam” , I replied…and the next lines of him amazed me.. “Did you hear about Steve Jobs..The apple CEO” (No one says Former CEO)…oh my God..! Something big has happened that relates to Steve…My sixth sense whispered..“No …!What happened” I was too keen to know…“He died……………!” was the reply...”Are u kidding me..?” is what i was going to ask, but could not …“He died few hours ago..what a nice person he was..Man with power of Leadership…believe and optimisim…” He continued..

My goodness…I was speechless…

The 7 am time check, the Facebook status of Tauseef….the refreshing light i felt within myself…18 Km traveled distance with thougts of Steve Jobs…everything was running like a video in my mind…I was still not ready to accept it..rather my heart wasn’t…

And finally I have to believe it ….as I logged into BBC News…Yahoo News…He was everywhere….on news, search engines, social networks…He was everywhere too, when Apple launched first PC, IPhones.. IPads…and probabaly sum other products as well…He was everywhere when Apples shares were down by almost US $ 80 when he went on sick leave…When he resigned as a CEO and now when………..he is no more with us…that was shocking….

Every guy entering office was talking about his death…and with words of praise…to my amazement most of them never used any Apple product…yet the words of praise were remarkable…

I,myself have never used any Apple product…probably never liked any as well…but I admired the Founder..who gave the world a reason for self belief…motivation and understanding the value of creativity..Who taught us not to live with the fear of Failure…Who was a great Leader, Mentor and Teacher.He showed us to live each day at its best…

The last post of this blog was written on the day…He resigned..was not expecting to write another one…on this occasion…

Today I & the world lost the most inspiring person of the Era….Rest in Peace…We will Miss you…

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (The Apple Guy…. resigned today)

August 25, 2011 2 comments

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

I’m Right Here…

August 21, 2011 1 comment

I almost gave in. I almost lost.
This day almost got to me.
Into the air my hands I tossed.

Almost walked away. Almost Cried.
Almost threw caution into the wind.
Happiness for myself, I almost denied.

Almost… Then…
I felt a brush of love against my face.
Wings wrapped around me in a warm embrace.
I heard a whisper into my ear…

“Don’t you ever give up, I’m right here.”

This Is How Winners Are Made – An Excellent Video

June 22, 2011 7 comments

Video- Never Give up on Your Dreams – Imran Khan (A TEDx Karachi event)

June 11, 2011 1 comment

Click to watch the video

Courtesy : TEDx Karachi